by Sheyla Klementová A film about Egyptian traditional dance is about to happen and you can be part of it!

My enthusiasm and excitement about the wonders of Egyptian customs, in particular
dance and music, is as strong as it was at the beginning of my career. My studies and
research in Folklore and Character dance has taken me across Egypt many times. Learning
from local artists, experiencing the real and raw Egypt, embracing all that it includes.
This year I have decided to document this knowledge in one full length feature film, where I
will interview Egyptian traditional artists who have immensely shared their teaching with
me, those who have preserved their art in Egypt. The main focus of the film will be within
the natural environment where the artists work and the development of traditional dance
and music, from the original setting to regional troupes performing on stage. The film will
be lead by interviews, showcase of cultural performances and everyday life on locations
and on stage. The team and I will travel along the Nile from Aswan to Alexandria and Siwa
capturing as much as possible.

[Funoon Shaabeya] A documentary about Egyptian traditional dances and music is now on Kickstarter and cannot happen without your help and support! Not only is part of the
fundraiser covering Egyptian artists fees, but I am also giving 15% of income forever back to
Egypt, to cultural organizations supporting Egyptian artists.
I strongly believe that this kind of film is important to be created and if you ever felt that
importance to support native artists and bringing attention to indigenous cultural
production, this is the way we all can do it together.
Visit Kickstarter to get more information about the project. You can prepay for the
film and pick different rewards in exchange to your contribution. The campaign is running
until 18th July and it is a one time chance to start to filmshoot this September. For updates
please follow me on Instagram @sheylaoriental.

Sheyla is a professional dancer and lecturer from Brno, where she has been working since 2006. During her dance career and study abroad, she has also taught and performed in countries such as Austria, Slovakia, India, Germany, Switzerland, South Africa and others. She currently runs regular courses in Brno and seminars throughout the Czech Republic and abroad. She has been engaged in oriental (Belly) dance for more than 15 years and in addition to teaching she also performs at family celebrations, corporate events and cultural festivals.